Legislation Signed into Law


Primary Focus Implements reporting requirements by providers for suicide attempts and by insurers for parity compliance.
Title/Description Creates and expands reporting requirements for key MH/SUD services.

Amends NRS 441A.20, NRS 441A.150 and NRS 687B.404


Expands provider reporting obligations to address attempted suicide in addition to communicable disease and drug overdose. Creates insurance parity compliance reporting requirements for insurers pursuant to the Federal Law, 42 U.S.C. Sec 300gg-26(a)(8).  The new law includes reporting dates, as well as annual summary reports of parity compliance by the insurance commissioner to key interested parties including the Governor and legislative committees.

Effective Date January 1, 2021

Enacted through AB 181; signed by the Governor on May 28, 2021.  For bill copy, click here.


Primary Focus Access to Services
Title/Description Commission on Behavioral Health Duties
Citation Enrolled
Summary This law amends the NRS 433.314 to require the Commission on Behavioral Health to employ indiviudals to assist each regional behavioral health policy board. The law also amends NRS 433.4295 to list the duties of the Commission on Behavioral Health.
Effective Date 7/1/2019

Enacted through A 76


Primary Focus Mandated Benefit: Provider
Title/Description Benefits for Treatment of Abuse of Alcohol or Drugs
Citation Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 689A.046

A health insurance policy that provides benefits for the treatment of abuse of alcohol or drugs must consist of:
(a) Treatment for withdrawal from the physiological effects of alcohol or drugs;
(b) Treatment for a patient admitted to a facility; and
(c) Counseling for a person, group or family who is not admitted to a facility.
These benefits must be paid in the same manner as benefits for any other illness covered by a similar policy.
Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 689A.046 further discusses the types of facilities that may render these services.

Effective Date 1/1/2018

Enacted through SB 262 (79th Legislature)

Primary Focus Mandated Benefit: Provider
Title/Description Benefits for Health Care: Expenses for Treatment of Abuse of Alcohol and Drugs
Citation Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 608.156

If an employer provides health benefits for his or her employees, the employer shall provide the following benefits for the expenses for the treatment of abuse of alcohol and drugs:
(a) Treatment for withdrawal from the physiological effects of alcohol or drugs;
(b) Treatment for a patient admitted to a facility; and
(c) Counseling for a person, group or family who is not admitted to a facility.
These benefits must be paid in the same manner as benefits for any other illness covered by a similar policy.
Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 608.156 further discusses the types of facilities that may render these services.

Effective Date 1/1/2018

Enacted through SB 262 (79th Legislature)


AB 6
Introduced 12/2014 (pre-filed)
Sponsor Committee on Commerce and Labor
Status Signed into Law 5/2015
Summary Among other things, this bill changes the sections of the state insurance law about autism coverage by changing the annual maximum for applied behavior analysis from $36,000 to the actuarial equivalent of $72,000.


AB 425
Introduced 3/2013
Sponsor Committee on Commerce and Labor
Status Signed into Law 6/2013

Among many other things, this bill changed the parity sections of the state insurance law so that many sections of the law were removed. Most of these removed sections were more restrictive than the Federal Parity Law, therefore they were no longer enforceable, such as:


Primary Focus Mandated Benefit: Provider
Title/Description Compliance with Certain Laws Concerning Mental Health and Addiction
Citation Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 687B.404
Summary An insurer or other organization providing health coverage shall comply with the provisions of the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008, and any federal regulations issued pursuant thereto.
Effective Date 10/3/2009

Enacted by SB 426 (75th Session)

Primary Focus Mandated Benefit: Provider
Title/Description Coverage for Abuse of Alcohol or Drugs; Benefits
Citation Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 689C.167

Group policy for health insurance benefits for the treatment of abuse of alcohol or drugs must consist of:
(a) Treatment for withdrawal from the physiological effects of alcohol or drugs;
(b) Treatment for a patient admitted to a facility; and
(c) Counseling for a person, group or family who is not admitted to a facility.
These benefits must be paid in the same manner as benefits for any other illness covered by a similar policy.
Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 689C.167 further discusses the types of facilities that may render these services.

Effective Date 10/3/2009

Enacted by SB 426 (75th Session)

AB 162
Introduced 2/2009
Sponsor Assmb. Ohrenschall, Buckley, Leslie, Woodbury, Conklin, Horsford, Schneider, Lee, Wiener, Townsend
Status Signed into Law 5/2009
Summary This bill added the sections to the state insurance law about autism coverage, which are summarized at the bottom of this page under “Nevada Parity Law.”

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View the state parity reports to learn about legislation, regulation, and litigation related to parity implementation

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Common Violations

In seeking care or services, be aware of the common ways parity rights can be violated.